Individual Tutoring
Individual hourly tutoring is available for public, private and home-schooled students, including adults. Academic tutoring focuses on maximizing a student’s strengths and minimizing any barriers to learning. Services are based on staff availability and the student’s need.
Extended School Year (ESY)
B.R.E.C. provides instructional programming to students during the summer months who are in need of enrichment, academic remediation or continued development of skills. Eligibility for ESY services is determined on an individual basis and must be approved by a student’s IEP team and LEA. Parents may opt to privately place a student into the summer program but will be responsible for associated costs. Many factors are considered when determining a student’s need for extended school services and ESY is based on the individual student’s specific skills that are critical to his or her overall educational progress. The program is designed to maintain objectives represented in the student’s IEP, IIP or 504 plan, and considers strategies for minimizing regression of skills for a reasonable readiness to begin the next school year.
Additional Services
In accordance with our mission to find creative solutions to complex student needs in a safe, community-based educational environment, we strive to respond to special requests that may be presented according to staff availability.